Parallel and Distributed Evaluation#

Most proposed Bayesian optimization (BO) approaches only allow the exploration of the search space to occur sequentially. To fully utilize computing resources in a parallel infrastructure, OpenBox provides a mechanism for distributed parallelization, where multiple configurations can be evaluated concurrently across workers.

Two parallel settings are considered:

  1. Synchronous parallel setting (left). The worker pulls a new configuration from the suggestion server to evaluate until all the workers have finished their last evaluations.

  2. Asynchronous parallel setting (right). The worker pulls a new configuration when the previous evaluation is completed.

OpenBox proposes a local penalization based parallelization mechanism, the goal of which is to sample new configurations that are promising and far enough from the configurations being evaluated by other workers. This mechanism can handle the well-celebrated exploration vs. exploitation trade-off, and meanwhile prevent workers from exploring similar configurations.

In this tutorial, we illustrate how to optimize a problem in parallel manner on your local machine with OpenBox.

Problem Setup#

First, define configuration space to search and define objective function to minimize. Here we use the Branin function.

import numpy as np
from openbox import space as sp

# Define Search Space
space = sp.Space()
x1 = sp.Real("x1", -5, 10, default_value=0)
x2 = sp.Real("x2", 0, 15, default_value=0)
space.add_variables([x1, x2])

# Define Objective Function
def branin(config):
    x1, x2 = config['x1'], config['x2']
    y = (x2 - 5.1 / (4 * np.pi ** 2) * x1 ** 2 + 5 / np.pi * x1 - 6) ** 2 \
        + 10 * (1 - 1 / (8 * np.pi)) * np.cos(x1) + 10
    return {'objectives': [y]}

If you are not familiar with the problem setup, please refer to Quick Start Tutorial.

Parallel Evaluation on Local#

This time we use ParallelOptimizer to optimize the objective function in a parallel manner on your local machine.

from openbox import ParallelOptimizer

# Parallel Evaluation on Local Machine
opt = ParallelOptimizer(
history =

In addition to objective_function and space being passed to ParallelOptimizer, the other parameters are as follows:

  • parallel_strategy=‘async’ / ‘sync’ sets whether the parallel evaluation is performed asynchronously or synchronously. We suggest using ‘async’ because it makes better use of resources and achieves better performance than ‘sync’.

  • batch_size=4 sets the number of parallel workers.

  • batch_strategy=‘default’ sets the strategy on how to make multiple suggestions at the same time. We suggest using ‘default’ for stable performance.

  • num_objectives=1 and num_constraints=0 indicates that our function returns a single objective value with no constraint.

  • max_runs=100 means the optimization will take 100 rounds (optimizing the objective function 100 times).

  • surrogate_type=‘gp’. For mathematical problem, we suggest using Gaussian Process (‘gp’) as Bayesian surrogate model. For practical problems such as hyperparameter optimization (HPO), we suggest using Random Forest (‘prf’).

  • time_limit_per_trial sets the time budget (seconds) of each objective function evaluation. Once the evaluation time exceeds this limit, objective function will return as a failed trial.

  • task_id is set to identify the optimization process.

After optimization, call print(opt.get_history()) to see the result:

| Parameters              | Optimal Value      |
| x1                      | -3.138286          |
| x2                      | 12.292733          |
| Optimal Objective Value | 0.3985991718620365 |
| Num Configs             | 100                |

Distributed Evaluation#

OpenBox provides an efficient way to perform distributed optimization.

First, start the master node with the DistributedOptimizer. We use the branin objective function defined previously.

from openbox import DistributedOptimizer

# Distributed Evaluation
n_workers = 4
opt = DistributedOptimizer(
history =

In addition to objective_function and space being passed to DistributedOptimizer, the other parameters are as follows:

  • port: network port of optimizer on master node.

  • authkey: authorization key for worker to connect the master.

  • parallel_strategy=‘async’ / ‘sync’ sets whether the parallel evaluation is performed asynchronously or synchronously. We suggest using ‘async’ because it makes better use of resources and achieves better performance than ‘sync’.

  • batch_size=4 sets the number of parallel workers.

  • batch_strategy=‘default’ sets the strategy on how to make multiple suggestions at the same time. We suggest using ‘default’ for stable performance.

  • num_objectives=1 and num_constraints=0 indicates that our function returns a single objective value with no constraint.

  • max_runs=100 means the optimization will take 100 rounds (optimizing the objective function 100 times).

  • surrogate_type=‘gp’. For mathematical problem, we suggest using Gaussian Process (‘gp’) as Bayesian surrogate model. For practical problems such as hyperparameter optimization (HPO), we suggest using Random Forest (‘prf’).

  • time_limit_per_trial sets the time budget (seconds) of each objective function evaluation. Once the evaluation time exceeds this limit, objective function will return as a failed trial.

  • task_id is set to identify the optimization process.

Next, start the worker nodes to receive jobs from master and evaluate configurations. In addition to the objective function, please specify ip of master node and port, authkey you set when starting the optimizer.

from openbox import DistributedWorker

worker = DistributedWorker(branin, ip="", port=13579, authkey=b'abc')

After optimization, call print(opt.get_history()) on master node to see the result:

| Parameters              | Optimal Value      |
| x1                      | -3.138286          |
| x2                      | 12.292733          |
| Optimal Objective Value | 0.3985991718620365 |
| Num Configs             | 100                |