Quick Start#

This tutorial helps you run your first example with OpenBox.

Space Definition#

First, define a search space.

from openbox import space as sp

# Define Search Space
space = sp.Space()
x1 = sp.Real("x1", -5, 10, default_value=0)
x2 = sp.Real("x2", 0, 15, default_value=0)
space.add_variables([x1, x2])

In this example, we create an empty search space, and then add two real (floating-point) variables into it. The first variable x1 ranges from -5 to 10, and the second one x2 ranges from 0 to 15.

OpenBox also supports other types of variables. Here are examples of how to define Integer and Categorical variables:

from openbox import space as sp

i = sp.Int("i", 0, 100) 
kernel = sp.Categorical("kernel", ["rbf", "poly", "sigmoid"], default_value="rbf")

The Space in OpenBox is implemented based on ConfigSpace package. For advanced usage, please refer to ConfigSpace’s documentation.

Objective Definition#

Second, define the objective function to be optimized. Note that OpenBox aims to minimize the objective function. Here we provide an example of the Branin function.

import numpy as np

# Define Objective Function
def branin(config):
    x1, x2 = config['x1'], config['x2']
    y = (x2-5.1/(4*np.pi**2)*x1**2+5/np.pi*x1-6)**2+10*(1-1/(8*np.pi))*np.cos(x1)+10
    return {'objectives': [y]}

The objective function takes as input a configuration sampled from space and outputs the objective value.


After defining the search space and the objective function, we can run the optimization process as follows:

from openbox import Optimizer

# Run
opt = Optimizer(
history = opt.run()

Here we create a Optimizer instance, and pass the objective function branin and the search space space to it. The other parameters are:

  • num_objectives=1 and num_constraints=0 indicates our branin function returns a single value with no constraint.

  • max_runs=50 means the optimization will take 50 rounds (optimizing the objective function 50 times).

  • surrogate_type=‘gp’. For mathematical problems, we suggest using Gaussian Process (‘gp’) as Bayesian surrogate model. For practical problems such as hyperparameter optimization (HPO), we suggest using Random Forest (‘prf’).

  • time_limit_per_trial sets the time budget (seconds) for each objective function evaluation. Once the evaluation time exceeds this limit, objective function will return as a failed trial.

  • task_id is set to identify the optimization process.

Then, opt.run() is called to start the optimization process.


After the optimization, opt.run() returns the optimization history. Call print(history) to see the result:

| Parameters              | Optimal Value     |
| x1                      | -3.138277         |
| x2                      | 12.254526         |
| Optimal Objective Value | 0.398096578033325 |
| Num Configs             | 50                |

Call history.plot_convergence() to visualize the optimization process:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

If you are using the Jupyter Notebook environment, call history.visualize_hiplot() for visualization of each trial:


Call print(history.get_importance()) to print the parameter importance: (Note that you need to install the pyrfr package to use this function. Pyrfr Installation Guide)

| Parameters | Importance |
| x1         | 0.488244   |
| x2         | 0.327570   |